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dramatize with造句

"dramatize with"是什么意思  
  • Could you stand up and dramatize with your hands what he did to your breasts?
  • Meaning, it is a narrative movie based on facts and dramatized with actors ."
  • The verdict : The absurdity of war is dramatized with dark humor in a trench standoff in Bosnia.
  • Each 30-minute show featured five mini-mysteries dramatized with actors, organ music and sound effects.
  • The engagement, often referred to as the " First Scalp for Custer ", was dramatized with Captain Jack in their consolidated theater act.
  • And crime, alas, is easy to dramatize with televised pictures of prison doors clanging shut, evil characters menacing innocent voters and charges of pandering to bad guys.
  • "Could you stand up and dramatize with your hands what he did to your breasts ? " asked Sackett, according to a transcript of the March case.
  • Literary touches ( such as they are ) aside, the style of the programs is familiar : interviews and videotaped images dramatized with tacky re-creations, teasers, cliffhangers and exclamations.
  • Many of his novels have been dramatized with great success, " Le Ma顃re de forges ", produced at the Gymnase in 1883, holding the stage for a whole year.
  • Still, it is not difficult to imagine a Republican in Iowa running advertisements painting Pataki or Giuliani as a champion of the urban dweller, dramatized with grainy camera shots of New York streetscapes.
  • It's difficult to see dramatize with in a sentence. 用dramatize with造句挺难的
  • Carlton felt every aspect had to be dramatized with elaborate details, as he explained, " To make your audience see, it is necessary to make your characters describe what they see ."
  • That moment will be dramatized with the traditional " Long Walk, " in which the governor walks through the front doors of the State House, which are opened only for foreign dignitaries or governors leaving office.
  • The story of Daisy and Violet Hilton, Siamese twins who rose from the circus to vaudeville stardom, has been dramatized with real passion by Henry Krieger, the composer of " Dreamgirls, " and his lyric collaborator, Bill Russell.
  • While the battle between these opposing forces was dramatized with excruciating literal-mindedness on screen this year by John Waters in " A Dirty Shame, " some other recent movies have provided refuge from the orgy of alarm and indignation that dominates public discourse on sexuality.
  • The battles are colorfully dramatized with due attention to authenticity; actors bring a variety of accents to the resounding words of Patrick Henry, Samuel Adams, Ethan Allen and everybody who was anybody on both sides, while American and British historians put the events in perspective.
  • The movie shifts from the central story, in which Harry is trying to rouse himself from inertia for a road trip to accept a tribute from a university, to snatches of his fiction dramatized with a number of dream versions of himself ( the best is Richard Benjamin ).
  • Its ads carry the theme " Imagine how you'll feel driving, " which is dramatized with exuberant images ranging from a Roman piazza filled with dancing couples to a Tuscan countryside populated by singers warbling along with the Dinah Shore pop tune " Shoo Fly Pie and Apple Pan Dowdy ."
  • It turned out to be too expensive to make " Speaking in Tongues " on location, but the program was filmed on a Nashville sound stage that was large enough to allow Loquasto to fashion a villagelike set, and Diamond and Ms . Kinberg to explore some of their ideas about dramatizing with " a camera that has real attitude, " as Ms . Kinberg puts it.
  • These include short stories by Rebecca Brown and A . M . Homes, collected in " Mondo Barbie, " a book whose cover bore a fragment of the Andy Warhol Barbie portrait until Mattel forced it to be changed, and Todd Haynes'" Superstar, " an achingly poignant film in which Karen Carpenter's death from anorexia nervosa is dramatized with Barbie-like dolls.
  • "Kirkus Reviews " called it " highly lauded ", while Lewis Call described it as a " bizarre but beautiful alien love story ", emphasizing the contrast between Moggadeet's relationship with Lillliloo, and BDSM . " The Washington Post " considered that the " image ( of ) an intelligent species whose biological imperatives compel females to devour their mates ( . . . ) is dramatized with the directness of an arrow striking a bullseye ".
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